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Snow? Gone!

Finally it was 20C this weekend. Finally the snow is gone.

We've had too much snow this year. Really, I like snow, but my kids had more then 10 snow days off from school this winter - so many that they just expected a snow-day-a-week all winter. It started in December already (I never heard of a snow day in December) -- we had three in a row, and the next week another three. Okay, they were mostly legit.

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A Tale of 2 Anemones

Anemones are amongst some of the showiest plants we have for the garden; and thankfully, the tuberous rooted species are some of the easiest to grow.

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Growing Dionysia

The plants in genus Dionysia are some of the most demanding in cultural requirements that few people attempt to grow them.

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BLUE, Blue, blue

The last two weeks in the garden have been all blue, the mystical colour that everyone wants...and the gentians haven't even started to open. A plant people are reluctant to grow is the blue corydalis. I remember the days when my dad badly wanted blue corydalis (years and years ago), and as a rough rule of thumb he had to kill it 3 times or so before he had success. My guess is it has nothing to do with how he grew it becuase they are still given the same treatment - most likely it's just the species. Now we have seedlings of varying shades of blue scattered all over the garden.

This one's actually named: Corydalis turcz. 'Gorin', not some bastard child of the garden. To the left and below are most likely straight c. turczaninovii.

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No flowers needed

All leaves have such a fresh texture. Even though it's flower, flower everywhere in the alpine gardens right now, the leaves are doing their best to compete. Here's a taste of what is happening in the garden right now.

Arenaria sp. Wallowa Mt. - the perfect mat. Nobody ever asks if it has flowers. Now and then it has some white flower-blips, but nothing showy enough to take a picture of. Even without flowers, it is the perfect companion plant with its seemingly perfect subtle texture.

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